MLM (Multi Level Marketing)-A Real Business Or MLM Scam?
Most people when they hear the term MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) they usually insert the word -scheme- or -scam- at the end – this gives the whole business model a bad name. Well maybe I can change your negative perception and tell you how a legal immigrant from Mexico, worked the fields in California starting at the age 15. He stumbled on MLM, and is now a millionaire. Now that absolutely amazing- Not only are -home businesses- or -MLM’s- very successful they are incredibly fulfilling. This business model is the marketing strategy with some of the longest standing and largest organizations in this country. Mary Kay, Avon, Ambit Energy, Herbalife, and Amway are just a few leading the way on Direct Sales Top 100. MLM is a marketing approach in which the Independent Consultants are compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors. Most commonly, the consultants are expected to sell products/services directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Kind of sounds like a typical business whereas the owner hires the head of marketing and he then hires a sales manager and then she hires a sales associate, etc-. Sounds legit right – so why the bad press? Many MLM companies have been a frequent target of criticism and lawsuits. The fixation on the pyramid style of marketing model makes people jump right to the highly illegal -Pyramid Scheme- of the past. The initial startup costs can be considered high by some. But compared to starting up a -brick & mortar- business or franchise it is pennies. People also say there is too much an emphasis on recruitment of lower-tiered consultants over actual sales; but this done so there is not excessive pressure on a single recruit to have to produce or know 1000’s of people. You may know numerous people that sell products from Mary Kay, Avon, Tupperware and so on. They peddle their products and services because they believe in them and the companies that stand behind them. These companies empower their consultants who sell their products to actually establish their own businesses. This is very attractive to many entrepreneurial-minded people who want to be their own boss but also want some pre-established structure and support. Most MLM organizations provide a very strong infrastructure and great training as well as impeccable rewards. And best of all you get to work your job around the rest of your life instead of the other way around. The next time you meet someone who runs or are approached with an opportunity for a -home business- or -MLM- give them a chance and listen; it may be a break you have been waiting for. Until you have seen it, you should never say no to it. When opportunity knocks will you answer the door??